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"Only when we take great care of ourselves can we take better care of others."


Love:  When we lead in love we don’t get lost. We believe that the antonym for fear is love and to lead with love as an intention results in a positive harmonious outcome. 


Connection: We believe that the relationships with the people and things in our reality are of the most important responsibilities we have. 


Contribution: Since our relationships hold such significant importance, how we show up to those relationships holds equal importance. We value our contribution towards these relationships. Our intention is to contribute to those around us positively.  


Growth: From our relationships we hope to gain differentiating perspectives and ideas that challenge who we are so that we can continue to grow to be the best versions of our individual selves contributing to a bigger community. 


Fun: We lead the effort for growth with the whimsy and the imagination of our inner child. 


Harmony: Our values only operate when they are in harmony with our true purpose and the purpose of those that surround us. We subscribe to the philosophy of Ubuntu; meaning:

I am because we are.


Integrity: We value integrity because to fully connect in truth we must first agree upon a shared reality. Integrity is showing up as your whole, undivided self.


Resilience: Resilience is the ability to withstand and quickly recover from difficulty. We choose to allow the challenges life brings us to alchemize and make us stronger, wiser, and more compassionate.


Our mission is to provide students with effective tools to increase presence, mental and physical resilience, flexibility, awareness, focus; peace of mind. Our approach uses mindful methods derived from our personal experience and practices. We strive to be our best selves so that we can leave the world we live in harmoniously better than how we found it.

Meet the Team




Breath Work Coach

Sonya’s passion for breath work stems from her discoveries in both meditation and her other biggest passion- acting. She loves working with fellow performers to help them find more emotional space, minimize nerves, and reset physically after intense performances as well as anyone who is serious about healing their traumas and becoming more free. Sonya discovered Wim Hof in 2016 and has been a regular practitioner of his breathing methods since. After teaching breath techniques to her acting students and seeing beautiful results, she decided to become officially certified to teach breath work from the Loka Yoga school in 2023 where she learned both modern and ancient breathing techniques. She believes the breath is inextricably tied to the soul and cares deeply about the betterment of each individual she gets to work with.




Yoga Instructor

Stephen is a certified Yoga and fitness instructor. He started his personal fitness journey at the age of eleven reading his grandmothers nursing books and challenging himself to push-ups in a freezing garage during the winters in Southfield, Michigan. He played basketball in high school and later for his battalion team during his enlistment in the U.S Army. A veteran and life long athlete he found Hatha yoga and a Vipassina meditation practice as an effective way to heal trauma and ensure longevity. His passion for physical training led him to train with the Athletic Truth Group (ATG) where he learned to apply the principles of Structural Balance. He teaches these principles combined with Yoga and Affirmative Subconscious Programming to create a comprehensive strengthening experience.

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